第三章 Chapter-3 March 5, 2024What should life be like? I want to see the difference between the past and the present.(2)Next, I consider... 2024.06.21 第三章 Chapter-3
第三章 Chapter-3 March 4, 2024What should life be like? I want to see the difference between the past and the present.(1)It seemed to me ... 2024.06.20 第三章 Chapter-3
第三章 Chapter-3 March 3, 2024Isn't the structure of society also distorted?I thought about people's current situation. It seemed to me t... 2024.06.19 第三章 Chapter-3
第三章 Chapter-3 March 2, 2024Are you maintaining your mental health?(2)I have been thinking again about what mental health is. It seems ... 2024.06.18 第三章 Chapter-3
第三章 Chapter-3 March 1, 2024Are you maintaining your mental health?(1)I have been thinking about mental health. The world seems to me t... 2024.06.17 第三章 Chapter-3
第三章 Chapter-3 February 29, 2024Does each person have a dream? What is important is the dream.(3)Dreams are very important, so I would ... 2024.06.16 第三章 Chapter-3
第三章 Chapter-3 February 28, 2024Does each person have a dream? What is important is the dream.(2)I thought about dreams, which are very... 2024.06.15 第三章 Chapter-3
第三章 Chapter-3 3.<Internal Environment> February 27, 2024Is it safe to say that people's inner lives are fine?Does each person have a dream? What is important i... 2024.06.14 第三章 Chapter-3
第二章 Chapter-2 February 26, 2024In general, how does modern society operate?At the end of this chapter, I have considered contemporary ... 2024.06.13 第二章 Chapter-2
第二章 Chapter-2 February 25, 2024A significant portion of what is said to be a natural disaster may be a man-made disaster(2)Preventing ... 2024.06.12 第二章 Chapter-2