
第四章 Chapter-4

March 25, 2024What impact will it have on people?(6)We have looked at how much of a negative impact on people's lives wi...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 24, 2024What impact will it have on people?(5)Finally, I thought about the future of elderly pensioners. As their ...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 23. 2024What impact will it have on people?(4)Furthermore, I thought about the future of workers. As the natural e...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 22, 2024What impact will it have on people?(3)Next, I thought about the future of young people. Under these circum...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 21, 2024What impact will it have on people?(2)First, I considered about the future of our children. As the natural...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 20, 2024What impact will it have on people?(1)What will our future look like if we proceed as we are now, with the...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 19, 2024What will happen to the earth and the world if things continue as they are now?(5)I have shown that the si...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 18, 2024What will happen to the earth and the world if things continue as they are now?(4)First of all, I have lis...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 17, 2024What will happen to the earth and the world if things continue as they are now?(3)If global warming crosse...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 16, 2024What will happen to the earth and the world if things continue as they are now?(2)Here is a list of what w...