February 28, 2024Does each person have a dream? What is important is the dream.(2)I thought about dreams, which are very...
目次 Table of Contents
3.<Internal Environment>
February 27, 2024Is it safe to say that people's inner lives are fine?Does each person have a dream? What is important i...
February 26, 2024In general, how does modern society operate?At the end of this chapter, I have considered contemporary ...
February 25, 2024A significant portion of what is said to be a natural disaster may be a man-made disaster(2)Preventing ...
February 24, 2024A significant portion of what is said to be a natural disaster may be a man-made disaster(1)Since it is...
February 23, 2024How many natural disasters are unavoidable?When we think about unavoidable natural disasters, they seem...
February 22, 2024Why are recent natural disasters happening? What can be done to prevent them?(2)In particular, since it...
February 21, 2024Why are recent natural disasters happening? What can be done to prevent them?(1)If we calmly consider e...
February 20, 2024Pandemic InfectionsThe recent pandemic infections that occurred unfortunately resulted in the loss of m...
February 19, 2024War conflict, etc.(2)I am convinced that if people aim for peace now, various problems can be solved. I...