February 7, 2024Marine PollutionWe must not allow pollution of marine resources that are important for our survival. Eve...
目次 Table of Contents
February 6, 2024Acid RainWe know for a fact that acid rain is causing great damage to forests, so we want to protect the...
February 5, 2024Depletion of Ozone LayerThe relationship between the ozone layer and chlorofluorocarbons, which is very ...
February 4, 2024Global Warming(4)When we think about why the world is unable to collectively tackle these issues, we see...
February 3, 2024Global Warming(3)In the face of these major issues, I have once again confirmed my position.『I would lik...
February 2, 2024Global Warming(2)I also made reference to the world's efforts at the COP (Conference of the Parties to t...
February 1, 2024Global Warming(1)『If the concentration of greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide) continues to increase...
2.<External Environment>
January 31, 2024When we look at the real world, it is becoming unstableToday, when tomorrow is becoming harder to seeBef...
January 30, 2024I want my loved ones to be happy foreverI want you all to remember your loved ones once againAt the end ...
January 29, 2024What is the purpose of life for you?For me, it seems like protecting the people I care about(3)I would l...