
第五章 Chapter-5

April 4, 2024Is the structure of society right? What does it mean?(2)Next, I considered the correct structure of society...
第五章 Chapter-5

April 3, 2024Is the structure of society right? What does that mean?(1)I have been thinking about what a correct social ...
第五章 Chapter-5

April 2, 2024In this context, what do people today, especially young people, care about?When I look at young people toda...
第五章 Chapter-5

April 1, 2024Natural Disasters and Economic Unrest(2)These natural disasters will have a ripple effect on economic anxie...
第五章 Chapter-5

March 31, 2024Natural Disasters and Economic Unrest(1)First, I thought about natural disasters. It is becoming clear tha...
第五章 Chapter-5

March 30, 2024If human-made disasters must be corrected, tomorrow may disappear.(2)The changes that have taken place so ...
第五章 Chapter-5

5. <Current Status and Future Prospects>

March 29, 2024What changes should we make to protect the earth, living things, and humanity?If human-made disasters must...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 28, 2024Is there any possibility left to avoid the road to ruin?(1)Regarding the aforementioned road to destructio...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 27, 2024How far has the problem progressed now? What are the clues to a solution?(2)The 17 goals and 169 targets o...
第四章 Chapter-4

March 26, 2024How far has the problem progressed now? What are the clues to a solution?(1)Our standard of living has gre...