第七章 Chapter-7

September 22, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(4)I also believe that we must transcend the barriers between the countries of ...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 21, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(3)First, I have written my thoughts as I come to mind, targeting all people. T...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 20, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(2)I hope this will be helpful for you to think about how to take the first ste...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 19, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(1)I have written about what we need to do from now on, but I decided to touch ...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 18, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(21)I would like to work on it to bring it closer to the "pono"...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 17, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(20)I think that what is required of the earth right "now" is f...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 16, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(19)If we continue with our current course, we can assume that ...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 15, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(18)What is our happiness, how do we live, what is required of ...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 14, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(17)I believe we need to speak out in order to create such oppo...
第七章 Chapter-7

September 13, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(16)There are regions like Europe where the right approach is b...