September 22, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(4)I also believe that we must transcend the barriers between the countries of ...
September 21, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(3)First, I have written my thoughts as I come to mind, targeting all people. T...
September 20, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(2)I hope this will be helpful for you to think about how to take the first ste...
September 19, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(1)I have written about what we need to do from now on, but I decided to touch ...
September 18, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(21)I would like to work on it to bring it closer to the "pono"...
September 17, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(20)I think that what is required of the earth right "now" is f...
September 16, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(19)If we continue with our current course, we can assume that ...
September 15, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(18)What is our happiness, how do we live, what is required of ...
September 14, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(17)I believe we need to speak out in order to create such oppo...
September 13, 2024I’ll be specific in writing at the end.(16)There are regions like Europe where the right approach is b...