第七章 Chapter-7 October 2, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(14)I think it is wonderful for students to have dreams and take on challenges. It... 2025.01.18 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 October 1, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(13)I believe that the ultimate goal we expect from politicians is world peace. Is... 2025.01.17 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 September 30, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(12)Furthermore, when I think about politicians, I believe that they are to bri... 2025.01.16 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 September 29, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(11)Here I have tried to focus on the politicians who protect our lives. I thin... 2025.01.15 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 September 28, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(10)Here, we focus on teachers and parents who are in the position of educators... 2025.01.14 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 September 27, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(9)Here, too, I have described the importance of thinking about one's own way o... 2025.01.13 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 September 26, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(8)I think it is very important to think about how we ourselves can contribute ... 2025.01.12 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 September 25, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(7)I think that the starting point of everything is to never forget to be consi... 2025.01.11 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 September 24, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(6)I think it is very important to always be aware of the need to curb global w... 2025.01.10 第七章 Chapter-7
第七章 Chapter-7 September 23, 2024Where Can We Start Now?(5)What I have described here is also a paraphrase of what has been said so far... 2025.01.09 第七章 Chapter-7