July 2, 2024

Relationship between protecting loved ones and removing risk

I think that removing the risks listed in Chapter 4 one by one will lead to improvement of the environment, stable food supply, prevention of disasters, economic stability, etc., and protect our loved ones.

『It is very important to clearly show evidence that the current risks mentioned above, which are thought to threaten the lives of people and living things, are deeply related to the survival of our loved ones. If we say vaguely that it is a trans-generational issue, it may be taken as someone else’s problem. It is difficult to explain this point unless it is linked to education. Eliminating the current risks listed in Chapter 4 will lead to improvements in the environment, stable food supplies, disaster prevention, and economic stability, and will ultimately lead to the protection of our loved ones at any time, so I would like to work together to ensure that this is steadily implemented.


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