April 2, 2024

In this context, what do people today, especially young people, care about?

When I look at young people today, I don’t feel that they are full of dreams and hopes, but what is the truth? I worry that the sense of stagnation that somehow permeates society is preventing young people from being dynamic. I sincerely hope that young people, in particular, will boldly take on various challenges without fear of failure.

『In general, the main interest of students would be to have a dream for something, but for the time being, their main theme would be to go to a famous school where they think their future possibilities will expand. The main concern of college students would be to secure stable employment for the future. Furthermore, once they get a job, I think many people focus on promotions, salary increases, and having a new family. At the same time, I think they focus on how to live a healthy and happy life. However, I don’t think this is all. I think there are some other dreams and hopes, but in general I can’t draw them. However, I think it is something that is very important. In other words, this is because it is something that burns, and in the big picture, I think it is wonderful to live in pursuit of something that burns. However, it seems to me that such excitement is not very apparent in people these days, but why is that?


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